Join the Core Membership
Don't Lose your Decluttering Momentum!
You've made progress during the challenge. But don't stop now.
  Don't try to declutter alone! Join the Core Membership and let us show you how to do it one step at a time.

This membership easily pays for itself when you implement just 1 idea each month.

Special offer just for Great Decluttering Challenge participants.
Get your first month in Core for just $27 (save 25%). Then pay just $37 a month (about $1 a day) for as long as you are a member. Cancel any time
Extra Bonus! The 10 Minute Miracle Collection.
Regularly $39, yours for free when you join Core today.
Get real-life ideas from real people on our team on how they declutter 10 minutes at a time with our 10 Minute Miracle Collection
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The $10 discount and bonus are only available for a limited time.

Join now to take advantage of these specials and continue your decluttering momentum.

Here's what you get in the Core membership:

Monthly training call live with Sarah. Tackle 1 cluttered area every month alongside the community.
Stay motivated and declutter with friends in the Core private Facebook group. Share your wins, ask when you get stuck, and make connections with others in a supportive safe space.
Replays of prior trainings so you can refer back to them whenever you'd like
BONUS How to Tackle a Scary Room. Use proven psychological techniques to tackle your scary room in a way that's not overwhelming.
BONUS GIFT - 10 Minute Miracle Collection ($39 Value). This collection of 10 videos gives you a hands-on look at decluttering - 10 different spaces, tackled 10 minutes at a time on video you can watch as many times as you'd like. Also includes a 10 Minute Miracle Tracker and journaling prompts.

This product is sold separately for $39 but it's yours when you join today.

What our Members are Saying
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So if you are new to decluttering or have gotten started but want to make real progress, I'd like to invite you to join the Core Membership.

You can think of Core as everything you need to take the next steps on your home (or get started again if you've stalled). With the monthly live training the second Saturday of each month and all the past CORE trainings available you can get going right away and at your own preferred pace. You will have the tools that you need to succeed.

With the Core membership, we meet once per month.  And each month, we cover one clutter “hotspot” or idea.

We start all Core members with Kitchen Zero - which is life-changing. It only takes 5 minutes a day.

Kitchen Zero is all about showing up for your kitchen every single day, even if it's only for 5 minutes. Over time your work compounds and the kitchen is EASY to clean up even after a big meal or a full day of baking.

Every month we add a training - things like the super popular "3 Magic Lists to End Forgetfulness Forever", the money saving "Plugging Money Leaks" and discussing focus struggles in "Decluttering with ADHD".

Our members are making real progress in their decluttering and learning how mindset and our brains play a role in clutter and what to do about it.

We connect in the monthly training calls and in the Core private Facebook group.

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Core Trainings available when you join now:

The Crafter's Dilemma... Get your craft area under control so you can enjoy it again.
Kitchen Zero... You wake up to a clean kitchen every day and it only takes 5 minutes to start. 
3 Magic Lists to End Forgetfulness Forever... You're going to feel super organized when you start using these three lists.
Plugging Money Leaks... Our members have saved thousands of dollars after watching this training.
Decluttering Your Wardrobe... so that laundry is no longer a nightmare.
Tackling Hidden Clutter... because you're going to discover so much more space after you've gone through this.
Decluttering with ADHD... For anyone who struggles with focus these techniques will help you get more done.
Done & Dusted Workshop... to show you how to plan larger projects and actually finish them
Declutter Your Pantry... and save hundreds every month on your grocery budget.
Stop Overshopping... and learn how to stop new things from piling up in your decluttered spaces.

Get Ready - we have a few exciting events in the Core Community happening immediately following the challenge!

DMC Marathon

 When we declutter together, we get MORE done!

The purpose of a Decluttering Miracle Call Marathon is to help you get things done in a big way. You are invited to work, to socialize, to observe and be inspired. Think of it as part work day / part social activity.

When we have a plan in place we can always accomplish more! Pick the area you want to focus on now so you are prepared for the call. Is it an area (like the garage) or an item (like clothes)?

You don’t have to be on the call the whole time but the longer you can be available the more you will be able to complete! 

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Conquer your Clutter Magnets

 Our topic for November in the Core membership is all about tackling those clutter magnets: surfaces.

Kitchen counters, dining room tables, desks in offices and craft rooms - even nightstands and sinks - seem to attract clutter like magnets!

In this call, we'll talk about why that happens, why surfaces are NOT for storage and how to reclaim your surfaces with a purpose so they bring calm and order to your home. 

Join today for only $27 for your first month.

Regularly $37
That's over 25% off.
Then pay just $37 a month for as long as you are a member
YES! Sign me up for the Core membership now.
Fill in your details below to complete your order & checkout
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Wishing you had Lifetime Access to the Great Decluttering Challenge materials?

We closed the offer to purchase the Great Decluttering Challenge All Access Pass. 

But due to overwhelming demand, we've opened it up again on this page only!

Re-watch all the lessons and get more insights from the daily trainings at your convenience with lifetime access.

Just $47.


Are your cherished photos piled in boxes, collecting dust, and hidden away from the world? 

You may have tried to organize or declutter your photos in the past and given up in grief or frustration. In this workshop, you'll learn how to create your own photos protocol, unlocking the secret to actually accomplishing this goal. You’ll no longer be overwhelmed by the idea of “doing your photos” and instead will have confidence that you know how to get it done.

Contact & Billing Information
Payment All transactions are secure and encrypted

Wishing you had Lifetime Access to the Great Decluttering Challenge materials?

We closed the offer to purchase the Great Decluttering Challenge All Access Pass.

But due to overwhelming demand, we've opened it up again on this page only!

Re-watch all the lessons and get more insights from the daily trainings at your convenience with lifetime access.

Just $47.


Are your cherished photos piled in boxes, collecting dust, and hidden away from the world? 

You may have tried to organize or declutter your photos in the past and given up in grief or frustration. In this workshop, you'll learn how to create your own photos protocol, unlocking the secret to actually accomplishing this goal. You’ll no longer be overwhelmed by the idea of “doing your photos” and instead will have confidence that you know how to get it done.


Peace of mind with a 30-day money back guarantee (you've got nothing to lose)


Cancel any time. You are not obligated for any length of time.
