[IfAnchor #terri.story] [Redirect #oef5271e6d5c1] [/IfAnchor] 28 Day Reboot
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Declutter More of Your Home in 28 Days
Than You Have in a Year!

With Expert Tips, Accountability, and Support
To Help You Stay Organized- One Area At A Time

The 28 Day Reboot
Program runs June 3 - June 30
How good would it feel to…

Declutter and organize TODAY so you can have a home you can be proud of each time you walk through the door?

Keep on track for 28 days with decluttering and organizing, making it easy to find what you need?

Discover easy ways to stay motivated and keep your house tidy, so you can welcome guests anytime?

Hit the ground running with decluttering techniques that don’t burn you out?  

I’d imagine that would feel pretty darn terrific!

But if you aren’t there yet– 

Maybe you're too embarrassed by the clutter in your home to let anyone inside.

Or you’re not motivated at all to start decluttering because it feels like “too much”. 

Or perhaps you’ve tried to organize but threw in the towel because you lacked support.  

This may lead to feeling…

Isolated and alone...

Overwhelmed that your house is still a disaster...

Guilty that you've barely made a dent in decluttering...

Making organizing seem even more impossible.  

 This isn’t your fault!

Taking action isn't always about having the strategies...
It also requires support, accountability, and a step-by-step process to make things feel doable.

But the good news?

You can FINALLY organize and create a home that brings you peace

Through accountability, support, and step-by-step guidance to organize and declutter–

 And it’s all possible with…

The 28-Day Reboot

The accountability, support, and step-by-step guidance to organize and declutter the
4 main areas of your home in as little as 15 minutes a day for 28 days!
In order to be successful, you’ll need these 3 things:
 1. Structure so you don’t waste precious time or energy deciding what to work on. 
 2. Accountability to stay on track and finish what you started. 
 3. Habits that ensure you keep up with the work you accomplish. 
The 28-Day Reboot will give you all 3!
Here's what you'll experience.
Structure With Daily Assignments
Every day I’ll post a short assignment in our private Facebook group. Spend 15-30 minutes doing the day’s task (no time wasted trying to decide what to do! We prevent decision fatigue for you by giving you the assignments (and alternatives if something doesn’t apply to you.)

You’ll see the wins stack up day by day.

When you see your fellow participants working alongside you, you’ll feel even more motivated. 
Accountability With A Team On Your Side
One of the biggest influences we see in our programs is the accountability
that comes with being part of a group. We call them teams.

Each team has a 30-minute group coaching call once a week and a check-in with your coach. 

You’ll be able to report on your progress, get help if you’re stuck, and
enjoy camaraderie with your coach and with others who are doing the same work.
Coaching Calls are 30 minutes each and are scheduled on:
Coaching Calls are recorded. All calls and videos are closed captioned.
Building Habits That Will Serve You For The Rest of Your Life
Your house will stay cleaner with less effort (I promise this is no exaggeration).

You’ll start to view your home with new eyes and taking care of it
will become much more automatic.

You’ll have more time for crafts, for family, or for yourself. 

Here’s What The 28 Days Will Look Like
Each week we'll focus on a different area of the home.
  • Easily locate every item, avoiding unnecessary duplicate purchases.
  • Learn effective cleaning routines for the fastest-dirtying area
  • Finally, enjoy cooking in an organized, welcoming environment. 
  • Effortlessly find all your personal care products. 
  • Achieve a clutter-free countertop with visible white space.
  • Feel guest-ready confidence with an organized bathroom. 
  • Organize bookshelves for easy book access.
  • Keep craft supplies neatly arranged on your craft table.
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere in your living spaces. 
  • Efficiently organize your clothing and accessories so everything has its place.
  • Discover strategies to minimize clutter, making choosing outfits stress-free.
    • Learn to maximize space, even in small closets, to see and access your belongings easily. 
    See What All The Buzz Is About!
    “This was the perfect program to get me moving and getting things I’ve been putting off for a while done like reorganizing my pantry, cleaning off a shelf in my living room, and decluttering my 3 bathrooms- all 3 are pretty small so I was able to get them all done in week 2.”
    28 Day Reboot Participant
     “If it wasn't for the accountability and the encouragement I probably wouldn't have pushed myself.” 
    28 Day Reboot Participant
    Proudly trusted by companies around the globe
    Hi, I'm Sarah! 
    Creator of the 28 Day Reboot 
    I’m also a Wharton business school grad and single mom to 4 boys turned decluttering expert.

    My home used to be packed with stuff until I realized what it was doing to me and my family emotionally and financially.

    But through a lot of trial and error, I learned how to declutter.

    And since I started on this journey almost a decade ago, I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of people to declutter and organize their homes so they can live the lives they are dreaming about.

    Now I want to help you do the same.

    The 28-Day Reboot is where you’ll receive accountability and support so you can finally let go of the excess and focus on what matters most in your life.
    • Accountability Team and Weekly Group Coaching Calls $796
    • 28 Days of Assignments $297
    • Private Facebook Group $297
    • Printable Workbook $97
    • Decluttering School Mastery prompts  $197

    • Lifetime access to the materials $97

    • Plus An Exclusive Bonus Training  $49
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    Plus An Exclusive Bonus Video Training!

     Gradually overcome anxiety associated with specific spaces in your home.
    You’ll also learn techniques to make those areas
    feel more comfortable and less overwhelming over time. 

    While all this individually would cost $1,830, we want to make sure you are supported to create the home you feel proud of.

    When you join us today, it’ll only cost $197.

    You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
    If, for any reason, you don't like this program, you can get a full refund anytime
    within 30 days after your purchase.

    If you have any problems or questions, just reach out to our Customer Success team at sarah@thedeclutteringclub.com. They're here to help you succeed or offer a quick refund if needed.

    Most people who read this have been trying to clean up their homes for YEARS.
     So perhaps some of this sounds familiar:

    You’ve tried color-coded pens, planners and checklists…

    You’ve been to the container store, and bought the fancy container – but you’re still in a state of chaos...

    You might have tried organizing challenges or watching shows about cleaning for ideas…

    So it can feel like nothing except a dumpster will change your current situation.

    But that isn’t true.  

    28 Day Reboot is the answer to decluttering and organizing your home for good.
     With the week-by-week and step-by-step support, accountability and proven techniques to keep rooms organized…

    You will discover the sparkling clean kitchen or space to craft or sew is actually possible even if you have burned out and struggled in the past.

    Everyone deserves to feel good about their home instead of living in shame and embarrassment.

    You’ll learn to declutter in a way that:
    Prevents burnout, ensuring you stay motivated and energized throughout the process…
    Enable you to preserve the items you cherish most…
    Helps you stay organized for the long term, with support and structure.
    And we've got you covered even if you’re:
    Short on time? We'll fit our plan into your busy schedule.
    Concerned about costs? Our program saves you cash in the long run.
    Feeling overwhelmed? We'll guide you through, step by step.
    Family is not quite on board? We'll help you smooth out those wrinkles.
    Thinking you need more space? Let us show you how to make the most of what you've got!
    So you can forget about:
    Hiring an organizer—become one with our expert tips and tricks.
    Relying on friends—our proven methods deliver lasting results.
    Using dumpsters—they’re a quick fix, but our solutions stand the test of time.

    With the 28-Day Reboot,
    Here’s the magic that awaits you:

    Transform cluttered spaces into areas of calm and efficiency.

    Eliminate the frustration of searching for items by knowing exactly where everything is.

    Reduce the need and cost of buying duplicates due to disorganization.

    Increase your home's cleanliness with easy-to-maintain systems.

    Foster a welcoming environment for guests, free from the worry of unexpected visits.

    Enjoy your hobbies and relaxation time with organized living areas.

    Create a sense of accomplishment and peace by mastering your living space.

    • Accountability Team and Weekly Group Coaching Calls $796
    • 28 Days of Assignments $297
    • Private Facebook Group $297
    • Printable Workbook $97
    • Decluttering School Mastery prompts $197

    • Lifetime access to the materials $97

    • Plus An Exclusive Bonus Training $49
    Total Value: $1,830
    Today’s Price: $197

     Registration closes in...
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    Frequently Asked Questions
    How much time will I need to dedicate each day to see results?
    Plan to spend 15-30 minutes per task each day.
    Will I need to buy any organizing tools or materials?
    Can I still benefit if my home is very small/large? 
    Absolutely! Size does not matter.
    Is this reboot suitable for someone who's tried and failed to organize before?
    If this is you, we've got you. We specialize in helping people with significant overwhelm or have attempted decluttering before. We'll walk you through it step-by-step.
    How soon will I start seeing changes in my home?
    The very first day.
    What support is available if I get stuck or overwhelmed?
    One of the biggest influences we see in our programs is the accountability that comes with being part of a group. Each team has a 30-minute group coaching call once a week and a check-in with your coach. You’ll be able to report on your progress and get help if you’re stuck.
    Can I apply these principles to areas not specifically covered in the reboot?
    How is this different from other Decluttering Club courses? 
    The 28-Day Reboot provides you with accountability, support and daily action items to make progress in each of the 4 main areas of your home.
    Hey you!
    You're on the brink of something pretty incredible… 

    We're talking about more than just tidying up—we're talking about transforming your entire world. Imagine coming home to a space that feels like a cozy retreat, tailored just for you.

    That's the magic we're aiming for here.

    Believe in your ability to craft a haven of peace and happiness within your home. Every small step you take forward is a triumph in itself, so celebrate each moment of progress, however small.

    Have faith in the process and in yourself. Trust that the choice you make today will have a profound and lasting impact on your life!

    This decision is an investment in your own happiness and the harmony of your home (I’d say that’s pretty priceless, wouldn’t you?)

    And most of all, know that you are not alone on this journey. I, along with our team, stand ready to support and guide you every step of the way and lift you toward your goals.
