Say yes to less stuff, more life with the Decluttering Club Membership
"I just joined the membership and I'm delighted to be here! I participated in OLAB and felt supported and understood.
It helped me on the next step on my journey to getting every room organized and maintained."
- New Decluttering Club Member
It’s my mission to rescue as many people as possible from the fate of a lonely, overstuffed home.
Less stuff, more life.
We’ve been sold a bill of goods.
We hear: “Better save that! You might need it later.”
And also: “Why is your garage so full?”
Oh, the irony!
Keeping things on purpose is not the same as keeping them "just in case."
I want to teach you the difference.
It’s a simple shift but an important one and it will make all the difference in how you feel about your home.
Once you learn this skill, you'll have confidence that you are prepared for what life throws at you. You'll be able to put your hands on that important paper. You'll be able to find the spare batteries or the holiday decorations. And you won't have to avoid that scary room or horrible closet full of boxes any more.
All because you've done the work to declutter.
You know exactly what you have.
Everything has it's place.
You’d have to spend thousands of dollars to have someone come to your home and go through your stuff.
It was expensive, inconvenient and potentially embarrassing.
An experienced professional organizer would typically cost $100 an hour.
And depending on how much clutter you had, she would need at least 15 hours per room to do her job. Professional, in-home help is expensive.
That’s $1500 per room or even more.
Plus, this kind of custom advice didn’t guarantee that you knew how to keep things organized after the professional finished the job and went home.
It comes down to mission and community.
It’s my mission to reach 10 million women with this work.
The only way I can do that is keep it affordable and get people involved with the heavy lifting. I can’t send 1 million professional organizers out into the world. But through the power of technology, I can work with millions of you just as easily as I can work with a handful.
This type of business was impossible just 10 years ago.
But not any more.
As our community grows, it gets better and better.
It’s a little like eBay in 1995. When eBay had its first couple buyers and sellers, it wasn’t that useful. But today? You can buy or sell anything you want because their network is massive.
Our community is like that too.
Some things get better as they grow. Our community is one of those things.
Think of it like the difference between having someone build you an expensive custom bookcase or getting an affordable one at IKEA and putting it together yourself.
We’ll give you the how-to, the support and accountability. All you have to do is follow the instructions. Sure, it takes a little longer, but you save 95% of the expense. Plus, now you know how to do it yourself.
And that means you can do it all over your house.
This “done-with-you” system opens up professional advice to an entire group of people who could never have had it in the past.
When you have a strong community by your side, you’ll be able to channel your inner “lioness” and face each challenge with courage and determination.
You’ll feel the strength of the community that’s got your back.
You won’t be able to keep your kitchen cleaned up regularly if you have to struggle forward and figure it out on your own.
Your habit brain will eventually get worn out and collapse.
And you’ll find yourself sitting on the couch and wondering why it’s so hard to put away the laundry.
But when you learn together in community, you’ll be inspired by others and you can see how they’ve done the same decluttering work in their own homes.
Do you have a demanding schedule?
So do many of our members. They’ll tell you how they fit it all in.
Do you have limited energy?
You’re in good company. Our members have been there too and they can give you advice.
Any obstacle you have is likely something our members or team have already conquered. And with thousands of members, you’ll always find support right when you need it 24/7.
Whole House
Time Management
Self-care, Happiness Islands
Spring Cleaning
Outdoor Spaces
Seasons of life
Memories and letting go
Living Spaces
Hospitality and shame
Discipline and motivation
Wardrobe and clothing
Self-image, identity
Closets and storage
Out of sight, out of mind
I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people find peace and freedom in their lives by decluttering their homes.
I want to share that feeling with you, too!
The Decluttering Club is where I share all my best tips and tricks so that you, too, can finally let go of the excess and focus on what matters most in your life.
Less stuff, more life!
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